The following document presents ideas for talks and workshops at Devcon.

If you are well-suited for any of these topics, we strongly encourage you to apply.

These are merely suggestions and not exhaustive, so feel free to propose your unique ideas. Applying to a suggestion does not guarantee the selection by our committee of reviewers.

Interesting topics to cover in each track:

Talk suggestions per track


Core protocol

Researchers and developers, for over 10 years, have worked on building and improving Ethereum to be as decentralized, resilient, and secure of a protocol as possible. What are the latest research findings, EIPs slated for implementation, and suggestions for the roadmap?

Tags: Core Protocol, Layer 1, Architecture, ACD, Consensus, Ethereum Roadmap, Staking, Validator Experience, Home staking, Distributed validator technology, Pooling, Decentralization Improvements, Protocol Design, Consensus mechanisms, EIP4844, Blobs, Ossiffication, Verkle trees, Single-slot Finality, In-protocol Account Abstraction, PBS, Danksharding, Gas, EVM

Introductions and definitions

Staking, Nodes and Validators

EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals)

Base Layer Security and Privacy

Other Core Protocol Topics


Layer 2

Tags: Layer 2s, Layer 3s, Rollups, Data Availability, DAS, Scalability, RaaS, Appchains, Fragmentation, Validiums, Optimistic rollups, Zk Rollups, ZK-EVMs, Cross-L2, Token bridging, Portal network, Light Clients, Finality, Permissionless, EVM-equivalent, Blobspace, Challenge period

Ethereum is scaling into a fast-paced rollup-centric ecosystem ready to onboard billions. Since blobs arrived in March of this year, what is left to do to scale Ethereum to the billions?

Introduction and Basics

Rollups Coordination and Standards

L2 Fragmentation and Collaboration

Business and Ecosystem Development

Debunking myths

Privacy and Oracles

Future Developments


Developer Experience

Tags: Developer Infrastructure, Tooling, DevEx, Languages, Libraries, Frameworks, Best practices, DevRel, Live Coding, Deploy, 10x

Developing on Ethereum is easier than ever; what are the latest tools and best practices for developers? How do we make it even better?

Languages and Frameworks

Best practices




Tags: Coordination, DAO, Governance, Political systems, Futarchy, Sufficient decentralization, Taxes, RPGF, Quadratic Voting, Collective Intelligence, Conviction, Effective Altruism, Consensus Mechanisms, Politics, Civil Resistance, Network State, Consensus

How can we use Ethereum to improve how we coordinate on the Internet?

Introduction to DAOs

Governance and Decentralization

Advanced Topics and Applications


Cypherpunk & Privacy

Tags: Vision, Values, Privacy, Anonymity, Identity, Free Speech, Censorship Resistance, Libre, Open Source Software, FOSS, Digital Sovereignty, Federation, Decentralization

What are the values that make Ethereum special, why are they important for society, and how are we making it Cypherpunk again?

Importance of Privacy

Open Source and Decentralization

Cypherpunk Ideals and Practices

Privacy Tools and Techniques

Historical and Comparative Analysis

P2P or not


Applied Cryptography

Tags: ZKP, Zero-Knowledge, Cryptography, MPC, Homomorphic Encryption, Use cases of cryptography, Anonymity, Mixers, Signatures, Quantum resistance, Bulletproofs, Commitment Scheme, Fiat-Shamir heuristic, SNARK, STARK

Cryptography is the backbone of crypto, and primitives such as ZKP, MPC/FHE, and more are advancing rapidly — how can we apply these primitives to achieve real-world use cases that were previously not possible?

Introduction to Cryptographic Concepts

Comparative Analysis

Programmable Cryptography

Cryptography Use Cases

Education and Usability



Tags: Security, Best Practices, Hacks, Key Management, Hardware wallets, 2FA, Fuzzing, Formal Verification, Auditing, Bug, Reversing, Custody, Testing, Bounties, Recovery, Emergency Plan, Event monitoring, Reentrancy, Manipulation

Our ecosystem has become much better at preventing hacks and attacks, but there is room to improve. What are the latest security best practices, recommendations, and tools to make Ethereum applications even more secure?

Security Best Practices

Smart Contract Auditing

Incident Analysis and Case Studies

Cybersecurity Models and Theories

MEV Security

Security education


Real World Ethereum

Tags: Use Cases, Not financial, Payment, Remittance, DePIN, RWA, Gaming, Autonomous World, P2P finance, Identity, Regulation, DeSci, Sustainability, Solarpunk, Regenerative Ethereum, Ethereum for Good, Social, Public good, Sustainability, Micro-lending, Environment, Climate, Local Impact, SEA, ReFi, Regenerative Applications, e/acc, Product-market fit, Marketing

Ethereum reached a level of maturity that allows us to build concrete applications that can achieve long-term positive impact — what types of applications can we build using Ethereum and what are tips on building them?

Use cases and Applications

Government and Regulation

Social Impact and Community

Ethereum in SEA



Tags: User Experience, Interface, Design, Visual, UI/UX, Account Abstraction, Desktop, Mobile, Accessibility, Zero-fee, Paymaster, Social Recovery, User Research, Design Thinking, UX award, Art, Mockup

Mass adoption will not happen without good UX. How are we improving the UX of Ethereum, L2s and applications?

UX Principles and Best Practices

User Onboarding and Accessibility

Advanced UX Concepts

Real-World UX



Tags: Mechanism Design, Game Theory, Macro, Micro, Economics, Tokenomics, MEV, Intent, AMM, Transaction, Fees, Mechanism, Restaking, LST

Cryptoeconomics is a nascent field that allows us to build robust decentralized networks with strong incentives for participants, in complex environments. What are the latest research findings and best practices in this field?

Economic Models and Theories

Staking and Tokenomics

MEV (Miner Extractable Value)

Game Theory and Economic Principles


Do you have feedback on our Wishlist? Suggestions, addition, improvements are welcome here:

Wishlist Improvements